Bathroom rust stains that won't go away!

by Ryan

Medicine cabinet rust.

Medicine cabinet rust.

I just moved into my home, and I have a rust problem in the bathroom! On the edges of the bathtub, and in the medicine cabinet there are some pretty tough rust stains.

It looks like they are from shaving can bottoms or something. I have tried multiple things to get rid of these stains, and nothing has worked!

Here is what I’ve tried:

1. Hot soap and water
2. Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer
3. Goof Off: RustAid
4. Bar Keepers Friend
5. Lemons and salt

In each scenario I used a washcloth and/or a scrubbing brush. The stains are a tad lighter, but still very apparent (pictures attached).

Can someone please provide me with a PROVEN solution??

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Mar 23, 2017
Yay - no more rust
by: Peachy Clean

Great to hear your rust problem has been solved! :)

Mar 21, 2017
Thanks, Ryan!
by: Tara @ Clean-Organized-Family-Home

Thanks for letting us know your problem is solved! So glad to hear it :-)

Mar 20, 2017
It worked!
by: Ryan

I used the vinegar and sponge, and it worked!! The stains are still faintly there, but you cant see them unless you intently look for them. Thank you all so much for giving me a REAL solution to my problem! You guys are awesome!!

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