Car Chores For Kids by Age

Car chores for kids by age are a natural. They do help muck up the family ride, after all. But they also foster a sense of shared responsibility. So why shouldn't they help clean it? 

Once a child reaches a specific skill or age level, he can generally do the car chores for kids in his age group and those for the age groups below. 

Some of these chores must be done each day, others once a week, and others once a month or even less frequently. Here's a list of tasks kids can generally do by which age to care for and clean the family car. 

Car Chores for Kids Ages 2 and Under:

  • Take the road toys he brought with him inside the house.

Ages 3 to 5:

The previous chore, plus:

  • Take his backpack inside.

Ages 6 to 9:

The previous chores, plus:

  • Pick up trash in the car and empty the bag
  • Vacuum the car with help, depending on the machine's height and weight
  • Help wash the car
  • Wipe up spills.

Ages 10 to 13:

The previous chores, plus:

  • Wipe off the car's dashboard and upholstery
  • Electronics patrol. Organize and return to cases all entertainment that’s been separated from its cover: CDs, DVDs, etc.
  • Detail/dress tires.

Ages 14 to 17:

The previous chores, plus:

  • Wash the car
  • Wash the car's undercarriage each spring

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