Moms spend much of their lives in the car. We take kids to school, to soccer, to piano, to swim lessons, to the beach, to playdates, to baseball, to birthday parties, to orthodontist appointments, and so on. And on.
Daily traffic can be stressful enough. Add an out-of-control child or three, and life on the road can get headache-inspiring.
While we may not be able to eliminate the daily traffic snarls, we do have the power to influence how our little passengers behave en route.
These eight car rules for kids are not just rules; they're tools that can transform our time on the road from stressful to manageable.
No screaming or shouting in the car.
No arguing in the car. This is one of the most essential car rules. Yes, arguing can be legislated.
Try this: Once you say, "Stop!" The next kid who continues to argue in any way, shape, or form loses one day of TV or other coveted privileges. Each additional offense loses another day. Hey, you could give away the TV one day.
Car rules and basic safety dictates we want to avoid trying to resolve disputes while driving. So when arguments ignite - immediately pull over. Kids know when you suddenly pull off the road that this is not good news. Fight game over.
he reason for this rule is apparent. It's the law. You can easily enforce this one with younger kids by telling them - as I did when my daughter was 5 or 6 - that the car won't start unless everyone's seat belts are fastened. I got away with this until she was about 11.
No one under age 12 rides in the front seat. This is a good safety rule for the road, even if you don't have a passenger-side airbag.
No touching window, radio, or any other controls unless expressly directed to do so by the driver. (And keep your hands to yourself, please.)
All leftovers and wrappers must be put in the car trash can or a bag that can be tossed upon arriving home or at the destination. (Or in the fridge if the leftovers are keepers!)
Nobody can enter the house until everything is unloaded from the car. Each child is responsible for getting their stuff - all of it - to and from the vehicle.
Yes, kids, this does mean you'll sometimes have to make two or even three trips after arriving home, just like Mom.
Do you have a car rules and kids story? Share it!