Cleaning Tile Floors

Rubber gloves and sponge on tile floor.

Cleaning tile floors is relatively simple, by design. To make glazed tile, manufacturers fuse liquid glass to ceramic tile at high temperatures. This creates a hard, nonporous surface.

There are many advantages to a tile floor as a result: It doesn't stain, scratch, or burn easily; and it's easy to clean tile if you use the right cleaners and tools.

Here's what you need to know about cleaning tile floors to keep them looking their best.

Cleaning Tile Floors Safely

Regularly vacuum and damp-mop your tile floor, and clean tile floors of spills immediately.

When deep cleaning tile floors, use a neutral-pH cleaner without surfactants (which can leave a residue on tile floors) such as Armstrong Once 'N Done Concentrated floor cleaner,for tough grease-cutting action. Make sure your cleaner has a built-in reinforcing sealer.

The Dos and Don'ts of Tile Floor Cleaning

  • Vacuum and/or sweep regularly.
  • Avoid abrasive powders that can scratch the tile.
  • Avoid ammonia-based cleaners.
  • Clean a tile floor with a nylon scrub sponge using nonabrasive cleaner and water, and then rinse.
  • Never use wax or a sealant on tile floors.
  • Clean tile grout by scrubbing with detergent, and then apply a diluted solution of chlorine bleach and let sit for five minutes. Then wash again and rinse.

If you clean tile floors clean without causing scratches, this kitchen or bathroom flooring can last you and the family for decades - and still look shiny and new.

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