Family Bathroom
Scheduling Ideas


The family bathroom is a parent's paradox. You can't get your school-age kid into the bath or shower or get your toddler or teenager out.

What should a water-conscious mom or dad do? These family bathroom scheduling ideas can help conserve water and get everyone out the door on time.

Set Time Limits for Toddlers and Teens

Start by setting a time limit (and a timer) for older kids and toddlers. Ten minutes is plenty for most kids unless they've tackled a quarterback (teens) or a Quarter Pounder (toddlers).


Consider a Shower Radio for School-Age Kids

For those school-age kids who find every excuse in the book not to bathe, consider investing in a shower radio. Perhaps it will encourage them to whistle while they work. With the soap and shampoo, that is. 

Assign Bathroom Times for Each Child

People who live in homes with only one bathroom and more than two people have an additional challenge  - they can run into massive traffic jams as everyone tries to use the space simultaneously.

Timing is of the essence here for a successful co-bathroom experience, especially if the children in question are of the opposite sexes. Warning: The problem only intensifies as the kids enter their teen years.

One family I know copes by designing specific bathroom times for each child on school mornings or at other high-traffic times. 

For example, one kid gets the room from 6:30 to 7 a.m., and another reports for duty from 7:00 to 7:30.

Firm rules are necessary here. Our family favorite: If you snooze (during your allotted time), you lose your turn in the bathroom. No whining allowed.

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