Garage Cleaning With Kids

Boy sweeping garage floor.

Garage cleaning with kids. Most of us enter our homes through the garage. As a result, this transitional area can become junky in a heartbeat. 

We see it only as we cruise through on the way from the car, usually shedding backpacks, shoes, and umbrellas in our wake. 

Oh, no problem, we think, we'll pick them up later. But we rarely make time to do that. At least once a year, set aside a Saturday for garage cleaning with kids.

Garage Cleaning with Kids: Downsizing the Garage Storage Zone

Garage-cleaning day is the ideal time to ooh and ahh over all your old treasures and reevaluate whether to keep them.

Try to send the little ones away for this occasion. Children ages 8 and up will be of help, while anyone younger will be a hindrance.


Start your garage cleaning with kids by having plastic bags everywhere: for charity, for trash, for sale, and resituating.

Is the patio umbrella dirty? Clean it. Is the artificial Christmas tree bent? Repair it or toss it. (You rarely need a backup Christmas tree.)

At the end of the day, cart away the bags for trash and charity. (Do it today, or you'll leave them cluttering the garage for another five months.) 

Set aside stuff that someone else might want for a garage sale. Let the children benefit from their hard work. 

The Garage Cleaning with Kids Routine

Be sure to clean the garage while it's empty. Sweep it out, remove oil stains, brush away cobwebs - you get the picture. If you have oil stains on the floor, here's how to remove them.

Scrape up any accumulation. Absorb oil with non-combustible materials such as automatic dishwasher detergent or cat litter.

Grind it into the oil a bit. Leave it on for several minutes, then pour boiling water on the stained areas. Scrub the floor with a stiff brush or push broom, then rinse it with water.

Sprinkle baking soda over the cleaned area to neutralize the solution you've used. Never clean with gasoline. And get that leaky car fixed!

Treat other garage-floor stains with Spray 'n Wash, let them rest, and then scrub them away with automatic dishwasher detergent. 

Man power washing garage floor.

If you see evidence of rodent droppings, send the kids away. Put on a mask. Wet the area first, then wipe up the rodent droppings.

You do not want to accidentally inhale any of the rodent droppings, as they harbor viruses and bacteria. 

Wetting all dusty areas before sweeping or wiping is a good idea. This keeps the dust from swirling around and giving you an allergy or asthma attack.

You can also use a sweeping compound. This mixture of oil, sand, and sawdust catches and holds dirt instead of throwing it up in the air when you sweep. 

Once the garage floor is clean, apply a cement sealer to seal the concrete floor and protect it from spills. Cement sealers are a great primer if you want to get fancy and paint the floor.

To limit the dust and dirt your family tracks into the house, place a small indoor-outdoor carpet or large doormat in front of the entry door. 

Garage Kids Chores by Age

Here's a guide to which garage chores kids can do to care for and clean up the garage. Once a child reaches a specific skill or age level, he can generally do the chores for his age group and those for the age groups below.

Of course, some of these chores must be done daily, others once a week, and others once a month or less frequently.

Use your best judgment for what gets done and when.

Ages 2 and Under:

  • Put toys in bins or drawers
  • Pick up wrappers and small trash

Ages 3 to 5:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Put toys and games (and all their pieces) in the proper boxes or bins
  • Help prepare papers for recycling
  • Sweep the garage floor with a push broom

Ages 6 to 9:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Wipe up spills
  • Sweep floor
  • Empty and wipe wastebaskets clean, using disinfecting wipes
  • Prepare recyclables for pickup
  • Vacuum out car
  • Help wash car
  • Clean all doormats

Ages 10 to 13:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Disinfect light switches and doorknobs
  • Take trash and recycling containers to curb
  • Wipe clean the car's dashboard and upholstery
  • Help clean the garage
  • Wash windows and wipe light fixtures

Ages 14 to 17:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Wash the car
  • Wash the car's undercarriage (each spring)
  • Spring-clean the garage

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