How do you get rid of cigarette smell in a home?

by EV

My husband and I recently purchased a home and the previous owner smoked in the house.

All flooring in the home has been removed and replaced and the entire interior of the home was painted. We also began to re-do the kitchen and all of the cabinets have been painted.

I originally thought that after the floor and the painting were completed, that the smoke smell would be gone. It is still lingering. I can no longer smell it, probably because we live here now, but others can.

I hate having people over and the first words that come out of their mouth is "who smokes in the house?'

I need any and all suggestions on how to remove it.

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Jul 05, 2016
Nice Post
by: Anonymous

Thank you for sharing your tips for getting rid of cigarette smell - Febreze is my go-to for many tough-to-eliminate smells, especially when it comes to pets!

Jun 03, 2016
by: Jay

The cigarette smoke smell is likely coming from the carpet. Shampoo the carpet with a good quality shampoo. I have found the best shampoo for the job is one that is made for pet odors.

Then spray everything, including the carpet, with Febreeze on a daily basis. It will take a month or so doing this before you will have results you can smell, but it will work.

I just recently had the same problem and this is how we handled it. Good luck :)

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