How to get Soap Residue Out of Fabric Couch

by Kim

Please help! My baby spit up his entire bottle on our couch.

I read to blot dry with a paper towel, and then apply kitchen soap to the area (blot), and then water to help get rid of the soap. The problem is that now I have a giant soap stain on the couch!

It looks awful and I'm not sure what to do. Any tips on how to spot treat it? I'm not sure I'll be able to get the material back on the cushion if I take it off.

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Aug 08, 2017
Upholstery SOS
by: Tara@Clean-Organized-Family-Home

For really tough upholstery stains, including old (set in) stains, your best bet at this point is a foam upholstery cleaner - I'd recommend Woolite Fabric & Upholstery Cleaner Foam as it is both effective and safe for most couch fabrics. Good luck! And let us know how it goes. :-)

Aug 07, 2017
by: anonymous

I added water to the whole couch instead of what you sugggestid and it looks soooo bad. This is a really expensive one and if my family finds out they'll be so mad. How do I get the tan out of the whole couch?! Plz help me. I need help asap. Any ideas? Someone please help!!!!!!!!!

Feb 03, 2016
Getting Soap Residue Out of Fabric Couch
by: Tara@Clean-Organized-Family-Home

Hi Kim,

It sounds like the soap solution wasn't completely removed during the final stain removal.

Spot cleaning the residue is the right way to tackle the remaining stain - I've found that often when I take cushion covers off, I can't get them on again, either. It's a laundry thing.

The good news is that soap residue is probably a lot easier to remove.

I'd recommend starting with your final step - the rinse blot part. Using warm water and a soft cloth, gently dampen the soap stain. Rinse your cloth, then blot again.

You should see the soapy residue begin to fade. Rinse the rag (to remove soaked-up soap) after each application. Repeat and keep blotting until it is all the way gone.

The key here is to take it slow and don't get the area wet - just damp enough that a rag can lift off, one small bit at a time.

Good luck!

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