Kids Home Safety Tips

Toddler with hand under running bathtub spigot.

Kids home safety tips. Children have a way of finding hazards in the bathroom, living room, and kitchen you might never have suspected were there.

The bathroom and kitchen, with sharp objects tucked in drawers or chemicals stashed in cabinets, require extra steps to ensure child safety.

And the living room could probably benefit from a few well-chosen home safety products to eliminate significant hazards to little ones. These kids home safety tips can help.

Kids Home Safety Tips for Bathrooms

With water everywhere, the chances of slips, falls, and scalds in this small space are heightened. These kids home safety tips can help.

Here are some easy, effective ways to mitigate the dangers of bathroom accidents for kids at home. 


Pad the tub faucet to prevent burns and bruises. But don't stop there—the bathtub is also a slippery spot, so you'll want to place non-slip stickers or appliqués on the tub floor.

The medicines we take and personal grooming items such as razors that we use in the bathroom present a genuine danger to our little ones. 

Always request child-resistant tops for prescription medicines when you fill them at the pharmacy. Keep razors well out of reach of curious hands or in a bathroom cabinet with magnetic baby locks installed inside.

Because a child can quickly drown in just inches of water, make a toilet lid lock a part of your bathroom decor. And finally, remove soap that's become small enough to fit into a child's mouth. It's a choking hazard.

Kids Home Safety Tips for Bedrooms

In bedrooms, place beds and chairs safely away from window blinds and drapery cords. Remove any breakable knickknacks that toddlers could easily knock off their perch and send spiraling to the floor.

Living Room Safety

As every parent knows, most living areas aren't set up for kids under the age of three.

Here are a few easy ways to childproof your living areas without spoiling the room's decor.

To prevent bruise-causing falls, pad sharp edges on furniture and raised fireplace hearths with inexpensive edge and corner guards.

Secure bookcases to the wall, and remove wobbly furniture.

Kitchen Home Safety Tips for Kids

The kitchen is where everyone congregates, and consequently, it's a place where accidents can happen.

All the activities that go on here—cooking, cleaning, preparing food, and more—require an elevated level of safety.

Remember to turn pot handles toward the back of the stovetop when cooking and to keep knives and other sharp objects out of a child's reach or locked away in drawers or cabinets.

Store plastic bags high and out of sight and reach of curious little hands.

Install latches on kitchen cabinets. Store cleaning supplies inside locked cabinets. Be sure to latch the refrigerator door. Remove small refrigerator magnets (they're a choking hazard).

Also, lock up trash containers and avoid long tablecloths. A simple pull can cause heavy plates and cups to come crashing down on little ones.

Kids Home Safety Tips Throughout the Home

  • Keep wires, lamps, and lighting fixtures out of reach.
  • Use sandwich bag ties or rubber bands to hold hanging cords out of reach. 
  • Make plants inaccessible to babies. 
  • Install sheets of rigid, clear plastic along stairway rails if they stand more than 4 inches (10cm) apart.
  • Put decals on glass doors.
  • Install knob covers on interior doors.

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