Oven Cleaning Help Needed

by David

A person I used to work with had a method of cleaning her oven that involved placing something in the oven while it was still warm after cooking that would help clean it. I've since forgotten what it was and I no longer am able to ask as I no longer have her details.

I was wondering if anyone could help me out? From memory I think it had something to do with a bowl and lemons being placed in the oven after cooking or something, but I am no longer sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Dec 17, 2014
Oven Cleaning
by: tara

There's a trick for cleaning microwave ovens by placing a bowl of water (with or without lemon) inside the microwave and zapping it for 2- to 3 minutes. The steam works to loosen gunk inside so it can easily be sponged away with just water.

I'm not sure how that would be duplicated in an oven, because you wouldn't want to put your hands on the interior of a warm oven (well, I wouldn't anyway). But the cleaning idea is similar - keeping the gooey mess from hardening.

With an oven, when it's cool enough to touch is the right time to tackle a meltdown mess. But with a slightly different approach.

Cover the gooey drips or spill with a thick layer of salt as soon as it happens on the oven floor, while the goop is still hot and soft. When the oven cools, the spill will harden and can be easily lifted away with a plastic spatula.

Old scorched-food blights can be removed by rubbing with a small pumice stone. This technique will leave a sandy residue that is easily brushed away. Wipe clean with a damp sponge.

Good luck!

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