Stone Floor Cleaning Tips

Stone floor cleaning tips. There are several types of stone tile used in living areas. Popular floor choices include limestone, marble, and slate.

In general, stone floor cleaning is relatively easy because stone tile is usually sealed to minimize staining.

These stone floor cleaning tips can help remove the dirt and grime of daily family life from your stone tile floor.

Daily Stone Floor Cleaning Tips

Stone floor cleaning tips. Sweep stone tile floors daily to remove dirt before it gets ground in. If you have a textured stone tile floor, vacuuming works better than sweeping.

Follow with Damp Mopping

Immediately after sweeping, damp-mop the tile and grout, using a clean mop that has not been exposed to strong cleaning products.

You need to damp-mop natural stone tile floors daily. Even with the modern sealers on the market today, stone tile floors are vulnerable to staining from water and oil-based liquids. 

Daily damp mopping may seem cumbersome, but if you're prepared for the job with a water-only mop hanging in a nearby closet, it takes just minutes for a tile floor with a shine that lasts the whole day. 

Wash Stone Floors Regularly

Wash your stone floors regularly with a product the manufacturer suggests.

But rinse twice, so soil residues from rinse water don't dull the surfaces. Squeegee away water to avoid water spots. Don't use vinegar - it can strip the shine from your tile floor.

  • If your stone tile floor has a polished surface, finish with paste wax. Skip this step if your stones are unfinished.
  • Remember always clean up spills immediately. That way, you won't have to deal with water spots on the stone tile surface.

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