Yes, Tara is right. Vaccum cleaner with HEPA filter will be good choice. Thank you.
Nov 14, 2019 Rating
Damp dusting by: Anonymous
Damp dusting uses a damp cloth, not wet. The amount of water is minimal. Another option is the ENJO cloths, I have used these over the past 20 years and even when I try other methods I always go back to the ENJO. I am not a seller of this, but I do find them to be the best albeit expensive
Apr 19, 2017 Rating
Good to read! by: Anonymous
Good to read tthe blog!
Sep 30, 2016 Rating
by: tara
Hi Emma,
While damp dusting sounds good in theory, the reality is dust/ dirt and water = a hard-to-remove mud.
I'd suggest using a HEPA vacuum with attachments you can use for dusting pretty much everywhere in your home. The benefit of the HEPA filter o a vacuum is that it traps and holds even minute dust and allergens, instead of sending them spiraling around the room as traditional dusting can.
Have an organized New Year. A new year offers a fresh chance to better our homes and lives. We've survived the holiday whirlwind; now it's time to plan for an organized new year in 2022
A cleaner, tidier home ineedn't consume your life. Even if you abhor a vacuum you can do it right - and fast with these 7 resolutions for a cleaner new year.
Some tasks need only be done once or twice a year. The problem is, we forget to do them. The January House Cleaning Checklist can help get it done this year.