Giving things away

by Barb
(Upstate New York, USA)

Before you give those sample size shampoos etc. to charity, check with

a friend or relative who might want them, especially 50 -60 year olds
whose budget is sometimes tight, saving for retirement.

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Feb 17, 2017
Helping elderly neighbors is my favorite
by: Hope Clark

I love when people think about stuff like this and I totally agree. I used to live in an apartment building with a lot of older people on my floor, many of them wheelchair- or house-bound, and couldn't do a lot of grocery shopping. I'd bring them any shampoo samples I got, and eventually I'd just start trying to leave them shampoo or toothpaste or whatever by their doors to try and save them a trip. I fully support this idea!

Dec 26, 2014
Great Idea Barb!
by: Tara

They say charity begins at home... and with family and friends. Great idea, Barb!


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