Helping elderly neighbors is my favorite by: Hope Clark
I love when people think about stuff like this and I totally agree. I used to live in an apartment building with a lot of older people on my floor, many of them wheelchair- or house-bound, and couldn't do a lot of grocery shopping. I'd bring them any shampoo samples I got, and eventually I'd just start trying to leave them shampoo or toothpaste or whatever by their doors to try and save them a trip. I fully support this idea!
Dec 26, 2014 Rating
Great Idea Barb! by: Tara
They say charity begins at home... and with family and friends. Great idea, Barb!
Have an organized New Year. A new year offers a fresh chance to better our homes and lives. We've survived the holiday whirlwind; now it's time to plan for an organized new year in 2022
A cleaner, tidier home ineedn't consume your life. Even if you abhor a vacuum you can do it right - and fast with these 7 resolutions for a cleaner new year.
Some tasks need only be done once or twice a year. The problem is, we forget to do them. The January House Cleaning Checklist can help get it done this year.