Holiday Grandparents Visit
Survival Guide

Holiday grandparents visit survival guide. You love your mom and dad. The kids love them. They love you and the kids. So why is a holiday grandparents visit so tricky?

Well, for starters, there's that whole generation gap thing. Even though your mom and dad adore your kids, they're probably not used to having little ones underfoot anymore.

If you're not around kids much, you forget how much noise they make and how messy and needy they are. This often leads to not feeling totally comfortable in your own parents' home. 

This holiday grandparents survival guide can make the visit more pleasant this year for everyone.

Create a Safe Play Area

If you have infants or toddlers, you must have a safe area for them to roam.


That doesn't mean grandma and grandpa have to childproof their whole house.

But if they could childproof one room, you could at least put little Blake down somewhere.

If not, create a safe play area for the kids in a nearby room. Bring your portable playpen and the kids' favorite toys, and you're good to go.

Set Parameters (and Perimeters)

That said, keep the kids from having the run of Grandma's house. Even if she insists it's OK. Your parents need their privacy. Set down limits on where the kids can and cannot go.

Remind Kids to Behave


Explain to the children that even though Grandma and Grandpa are family, it's their house, and they must behave like guests.

That doesn't mean not to have fun, but it does mean they must use their manners. Ask before they get snacks or turn on the TV. And no roughhousing - unless Grandpa starts it, of course.

Holiday Grandparents Visit Survival Guide Ground Rules

If you feel comfortable, talk to your mom or dad about the house rules these days. Don't assume that the rules for your kids are the rules you grew up by. People change.

Encourage a Family of Volunteers


Ask your kids to help out. Just because they aren't home doesn't mean people will wait on them hand and foot.

Give each child a couple of things they can do daily to help grandma and grandpa.But check with them first.

Grandma may not want Jessica setting the table if she's using her best china and crystal. And the kids trying to help grandpa shovel snow may just be getting in the way.

Take Family Breaks


Now and then, give yourself and the grandparents a break.

Take the kids away and let the grandparents have the house to themselves to regroup. 

They are older than you. They have their routines, so help them keep their sanity, too.

Holiday Grandparents Visit Survival Guide to Grown-Up Time

They love their grandkids, but you're their pride and joy. Plan some adult time together. Get the kids to bed early so your parents can enjoy just being with you.

Bring Your Own Holiday Entertainment 

Pack toys, books, and games for the kids. Relax your rules on TV watching.

Keep them quiet and amused. You - and everyone around them - will be thankful.

Create Win-Win Options


Don't put the kids in losing situations. They're not dolls your mom can put on display for her friends to admire.

They can only sit still for so long.

Don't expect them to make it through a long, formal dinner. Norman Rockwell was wrong on this one.

Lose the Spouse

They're not his parents. Get him to take the kids to a park so you can enjoy being a daughter again and have time to talk to your family.

If they're his parents, return the favor in advance during this holiday grandparents visit by excusing yourself and the kids for a while so he can get reacquainted as a son. What a concept!

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