After holiday green cleaning tips. It's the morning after. Santa has come and gone. Formerly festive Christmas wrap is piled high throughout your living room.
Bedraggled ribbons bedeck the halls (and everything else). The fridge is bulging with leftovers. You've got a gazillion gifts to exchange. And even the tree is looking a bit tired. It's the most mind-numbing time of the year.
These after holiday green cleaning tips for the days after Christmas can reduce the amount of waste going into landfills this season.
Also, check around your community to see whether any children's centers, teacher cooperatives, or recyclers accept seasonal leftovers.
Trees take a long time to decompose in landfills. Most communities, however, provide chipping services that will reduce your tree, wreaths, and other greenery to biodegradable mulch.
First, however, you need to de-trim the tree. Remove ornaments and lights and pack them away for next year. Take off the tree stand. Make sure to remove all tinsel.
Flocked tree? Sorry, you're out of luck. These can't be recycled. Wreaths and holiday garlands can only be recycled if you remove all the metal supports.
This is an excellent time to consider starting a
compost pile. Composting your leftovers (except those containing meat or dairy products) in the backyard does two good things: it lessens the amount of waste going into our landfills, and can become food for your garden in 2025.
Compost helps improve soil structure, maintain moisture levels, and keep your garden soil pH balance in check. If Santa still owes you a present, ask for a composting bin.
That way, you can keep on giving to Mother Earth throughout the new year.