How To Clean Brick
Floors, walls, and fireplaces made of brick are lovely to look at. Until they're stained by grease or grunge, that is.
Here's how to clean brick dirt and dust and of that unsightly grease buildup.
Mix 2 tablespoons dishwashing liquid, a dash of table salt and enough water to make a smooth cleaning solution that can be used on a brick wall or fireplace. This is home improvement at its easiest.
Rub the solution into the grungy, greasy brick using a cloth or rag. Let stand for 10 minutes. Use a scrub brush to scour the area. Rinse clean with warm water.
How to Clean Tough Brick Stains
If that doesn't work, try this stronger method. Using a stiff-bristle brush, scrub the surface with a cleaning solution of a half-cup
Trisodium Phosphate (TSP)
mixed in 1 gallon hot water in a plastic bucket.
TSP is caustic and potentially dangerous, so follow the product's directions carefully and keep it away from children.
Be sure to wear rubber or latex gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothing. After scrubbing, rinse the area with warm water.
Repeat if needed, adding up to another half-cup TSP to the cleaning solution, then rinse again with warm water. For exterior brick, a pressure washer is your best cleaning bet.
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