How to Remove Adhesive from Tile floors

by Nancy
(Monticello, NN)

How Clean Adhesives from Tile Floors

How Clean Adhesives from Tile Floors

I’m looking for a way to remove adhesive backing from a rug that has stuck onto my tile floor! Any suggestions on how to remove this?


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Jun 01, 2020
How To Remove Adhesive From Tile Floors
by: Carine Brexley

If there’s a small spot of glue on the tile, you can use nail polish remover to remove the glue. And put some of the liquid on a cloth and rub the spot. It will soften the glue and afterwards you should be able to remove it by applying pressure with your thumbnail under the edge of the glue. Continue scrubbing until all of the backing and adhesive are removed. When you’ve finished, wash the area with a mix of mild detergent or soap and water.

May 28, 2020
Removing Glue from a Tile Floor
by: Tara

Hi Nancy,

You can remove adhesive backing from your tile floor with a cloth soaked in lighter fluid, paint thinner or mineral spirits to soften up the glue for easy removal.

But don’t mix the solvents together, or use them with bare hands.

Lay the solvent-soaked cloth over the adhesive area and let sit for 15 minutes. This should allow enough time for the liquid to permeate the adhesive.

Remove the cloth. Using either a single-sided razor blade or a double-sided blade with a holder covering one of the sides, start scraping off the glue. Always work away from you for safety. Clean the blade as you work.

You should be able to remove most of the adhesive this way. Repeat the process as needed until the final bits of adhesive remnants have been scraped off.

Clean the treated area with liquid dishwashing detergent, water, and a clean cloth to remove any lingering traces of stickiness. If you skip this step dust and lint will stick to your tile floor and it will look grungy again in no time. We don’t want that!

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