How To Worm Compost
In 8 Easy Steps

Worm composting is a fun, year-round family project. How to worm compost? You regularly put some worms in a backyard or patio worm box and feed them with table scraps (no dairy, fat, or meat). 

In a couple of weeks, you can drain the excess liquid for a potent fertilizer for your yard and garden. You can use the new soil in your garden in a couple of months. Here's how to worm compost in eight easy steps.

1. How to Worm Compost: Getting Started

Here's how to create your compost bin. Get a big plastic tub (not see-through) with a lid. Shoot for a tub 30 gallons or larger.

2.  Drill Drainage Holes

Drill or poke holes along the sides of the plastic tub about 1/2 inch from the bottom for drainage. Poke some air holes near the top.

3.  Layer With Newspaper

Put in about a 4-inch layer of shredded newspapers. Spray the papers with water until they are damp but not soggy.

4.  Add Garden Soil

Add three or four handfuls of garden soil. 

5.  Mix in Kitchen Scraps

Mix in about one cup of chopped food scraps. (Chopped foods decompose faster than bigger pieces.)

6. Add Worms

Now add the worms. Red wigglers are the best. You can usually buy them at garden centers. (Don't use nightcrawlers; the worms are sold for bait.) Worms are good for composting and also in the garden because their excrement is high in nitrogen.

They also aerate soil by tunneling, improving tilth, and allowing water and air to reach plants' roots. If you're too squeamish, check out composting without worms.

7. Add Kitchen Scraps Weekly

Add more table scraps every week and keep the soil moist but not wet. (If it starts to smell, it's too wet.) Be sure to cover the scraps with soil to keep flies from laying eggs on your compost pile. 

Also, add more paper and yard scraps, such as grass clippings, each week.

8.  Store the Compost Bin in a Shady Space

Store your worm compost bin in a shady place, such as a basement or garage.

Readying Finished Compost For the Garden

When you're ready to put your finished compost in the garden, separate the worms first so they can continue to compost for you.

The easiest way is to spread the bin's contents on a plastic garbage bag on the driveway on a sunny day. Cover half the soil with a box to shade it. 

The worms will crawl to the shady part. (Because your box is sitting on the ground, there are small raised areas for the worms to, well, worm their way out.)

Your finished compost is now food for your garden. It will help improve soil structure, maintain moisture levels, and keep your garden soil's pH balance in check.

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