If your range manual recommends it, you may leave the oven racks in for the cleaning cycle with this caveat: They may discolor, lose their shine, and become hard to slide in and out. Unfortunately, you learned this the hard way.
There may be hope: Try rubbing the racks with a soapy steel wool pad. Rinse and dry. Rub a few drops of olive oil on the edges for easier sliding.
In the future, it's probably better to take racks out before running the auto cleaning cycle and clean them by hand.
Have an organized New Year. A new year offers a fresh chance to better our homes and lives. We've survived the holiday whirlwind; now it's time to plan for an organized new year in 2022
A cleaner, tidier home ineedn't consume your life. Even if you abhor a vacuum you can do it right - and fast with these 7 resolutions for a cleaner new year.
Some tasks need only be done once or twice a year. The problem is, we forget to do them. The January House Cleaning Checklist can help get it done this year.