Organize hats, mittens, and scarves in an over-the-door shoe organizer

by Tracy
(Rochester, NY)

We get a fair amount of snow (understatement of the year...haha) here in Rochester, New York, so we have a ton of hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves.

To keep them quickly accessible and organized, we hung an over the door shoe organizer, and we put these items in there.

It's so fast for the kids to grab them on their way to the bus stop or to wherever they're going, and the see-through pouches ensure they're grabbing the right item.

Then, in summer, we pack up all the winter items into the organizer, and we store with the winter coats. Each season, as soon as it's cold, we take it back out again, and we're ready to go right away!

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Apr 10, 2015
Good to read
by: Johnnie E. White

The topic here i found was really effective to the topic which i was researching for a long time.

Jan 03, 2015
Storing winter gear
by: Tara,

Over the door shoe organizers are one of my favorite ways to organize all the hard-to-organize stuff. Thanks for your tip!

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