Recommend Some Good Cleaning Supplies?

by Zoe Chen

My old mop has gone bad. I used it for many years. i just found that i have lots of cleaning tools that are old too. So I want to change and replace them all.

So, can you please recommend some good useful cleaning tools to me? Thank you in advance!

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Aug 27, 2018
A New Page on Essential Cleaning Supplies - for you
by: tara

Hi Zoe,

Thanks for asking! So many of us have outdated or worn out cleaning tools in our housekeeping arsenal - and then wonder why it's so tough to get our homes clean.

Your question is a most relevant one, and as a result, I've created a new article about essential cleaning supplies for every room in our homes.

Please do check it out and let me know your thoughts; you'll find it under the "Shop" heading.

Best regards,

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