Electric Stove from Hell

by Rachel

I just purchased my first home. I like my house to look nice, and the kitchen is one of the main focal points of the house.

I do a fair amount of cooking on the stove....but this film keeps building up and it gets a lot of brown grimy spots.

I've tried vinegar and baking soda, and the Weiman stove cleaner stuff along with a steel wool type scrubby pad but I don't know nothing is working. Have I ruined the stove now?


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Feb 16, 2017
Glass top stove owner, can sympathize
by: Hope Clark

I inherited a glass-top stove from my grandpa when he passed away, and as grateful as I am I can't quite keep it as clean as I like.

What I found, though, was that things like lemon juice, vinegar, or baking soda are almost more helpful than other products.

Honestly sometimes I've found that messes are cleaned better by pouring some baking soda onto it, then wiping it off and following up with some Windex or other cleaner.

Try to experiment a bit and see what works best for you, but I honestly think you might be better off with some simpler ingredients, and see if that helps more in the long run.

Mar 05, 2016
Stove-top Build Up
by: Tara@Clean-Organized-Family-Home

Hi Rachel,

I'm guessing your stove top is glass as I've had the same problem with my cook top surface.

As to whether you've ruined it - no, it probably still works, right? It just doesn't look as good thanks to the steel wool treatment.

I've tried virtually everything on mine - including the Weiman cooktop cleaner. What we're dealing with here is spatter from pots and pans that becomes seared on by the heat.

The only thing that seems to work is a two-prong approach: I start by cleaning the cooktop as soon as it is cool enough to touch after cooking with sponge, warm water, and dishwashing liquid.

Since that usually leaves a film, I follow that up with a few squirts of window cleaner wiped up with paper towels.

Good luck with yous!


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